Cutting polycarbonate is easy compared to cutting acrylic sheet and is a task that can be tackled even by a newbie DIYer. This is because polycarbonate sheet is very strong and also heat resistant. To get you started, we’ve created a guide with tips on how to cut polycarbonate sheet. Use a circular saw or a jigsaw for the best cut.
Requirements for cutting polycarbonate:
Circular saw or table saw with adjustable speed
Saw blade with fine teeth
Sheet material or wood slats for support
Glue clamps
Jigsaw with adjustable speed
Saw blade for non-ferrous metal
Masking tape for marking
Safety goggles
Cutting polycarbonate sheet with a circular saw or jigsaw
Polycarbonate sheets can be cut with either a circular saw or a jigsaw. A circular saw is the best tool for cutting larger polycarbonate lengths. Thanks to the properties of this material, polycarbonate won’t crack or splinter around the cut. Polycarbonate is also relatively insensitive to heat developed during the cutting process, whatever the cutting speed or the speed the saw is set at. But to get the best cut, it’s important to select the right circular saw and to pay close attention to the throughput and speed.
If you’re using a jigsaw to cut polycarbonate sheets, it’s crucial to hold the sheets firmly in position while sawing to achieve a good cut. The sheet must not move up and down as you saw so place glue clamps along the cutting line.

Step 1: Preparations for cutting polycarbonate
Before cutting polycarbonate, prepare some supplies. Make sure you’re using a saw with a variable speed. It’s also important to have a board that can support the polycarbonate sheet during sawing. We also recommend that you wear safety goggles when cutting to prevent any small chips of polycarbonate from getting into your eyes.
Step 2: Mark the cutting line on the polycarbonate
We can’t recommend it too strongly: when cutting polycarbonate, leave the protective film in place and stick some masking tape where the cutting line will be. Mark the cutting line on this. These tips will help to avoid any scratches. If you’re going to cut polycarbonate with a circular saw, go on to step 3. If you prefer to cut your polycarbonate with a jigsaw, please go to step 4.

Step 3: Sawing polycarbonate sheet with a circular saw
When everything’s prepared, set up the saw. For a circular saw, take a fine tooth saw blade. When using a standard-sized saw blade (7.25in blade – 8in blade) we recommend a speed of 4,000 revolutions per minute. This combination will give you a nice, smooth cut. The saw determines the cutting speed and therefore the throughput speed.
Step 4: Cutting polycarbonate sheet with a jigsaw
If you’re using a jigsaw, use a saw blade with a fine tooth, for example, a saw blade for non-ferrous metals. Run the saw at medium speed and let the saw move smoothly through the polycarbonate sheet. Don’t put too much pressure on the saw but rather let the saw do the work and control the throughput. Ensure that the sole of the jigsaw remains flat on the polycarbonate sheet.
How to cut polycarbonate yourself
Although we’ll saw your polycarbonate sheets for free, you might sometimes want to cut polycarbonate sheets yourself. For example, to shorten a length or when you want to cut your polycarbonate at an angle for a patio roof or greenhouse. Follow the tips in this blog to be sure of getting the best cut.
Working with polycarbonate
Are you planning operations other than sawing? Check out our blogs about drilling polycarbonate, milling polycarbonate and gluing polycarbonate.
Plastic sheets cut to order
We’ll cut to size any of the plastic sheets available on our website free of charge. Of course, you can also saw them yourself. If you need more information or have any questions about cutting polycarbonate, please call us 561-299-8276 or send us an email, we’re always happy to help.
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